Beautiful mature garden open day in aid of Third Age
Posted on 28th June 2016
While the weather and football did their best to spoil the party they didn't succeed! On Sunday 26 June the members, supporters and friends of Third Age turned out to enjoy the generous opening of the beautiful mature garden of Veronica and Frank Martin. All proceeds made on the day were in aid of Third Age and our national programmes.
Moynalvey House garden looked wonderful and showed clearly the care, hard work and vision used to create it.
We thank most sincerely all who contributed to the event both on the day and through sponsorship of our very colourful and eye-catching bunting.
A special thanks to Louise Kennedy for the beautiful shawl that was the first prize in our raffle and to Rosemary Keating (Milliner) who donated a voucher for a bespoke headpiece. Rosemary also supported our garden party event last year with another beautiful headpiece. A number of artisan stalls selling their wonderful produce were a great asset to the day.
We are sincerely grateful for all the support.