Becoming an AgeWell client

​How does it work?

Should you or a family member engage in the programme, you will receive one visit per week from your AgeWell Companion and two phone calls a week between visits to check and see how you are doing. On every second visit, your AgeWell companion will ask you a series of questions, related to your health and general well-being. Your information remains confidential at all times. The purpose of these questions is to identify and address evolving health and social problems before they escalate. The aim is to keep you at home and in good health for as long as possible.

There is no cost to you for participating in the programme.

Agewell's model combines best practices of several care coordination models: employing able older people as companions; providing social engagement through home visits and deploying a mobile health screening tool to identify and address evolving health and social problems before they escalate.


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Referrals to AgeWell are dealt with by the AgeWell team who will assess the client for suitability for the programme. People wanting to avail of the service must be over the age of 60. Referrals can be made through Community Services, Primary Care Teams, Gardaí, Family, Friends or Self-referral. Any referral can be emailed to 


Download a client referral form [pdf, 255kb]