
Seniorline is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers, that is open 365 days a year, from 10am to 10pm.

As well as responding to individual callers, Seniorline advocates nationally for older people in Ireland, representing their needs, concerns and wishes to media, the general public, politicians and key stakeholders.

Freephone 1800 80 45 91

Failte Isteach

Fáilte Isteach is a community project involving predominantly older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes.

The project provides the necessary language skills to new migrants in a student-centred, welcoming and inclusive manner while involving older volunteers and recognising their skills, expertise and contribution to the community.


AgeWell is an award-winning innovative new model of integrated care, supporting older people to remain safer and healthier in their own homes for as long as possible by identifying potential health problems at the earliest possible point. This is done by combining peer-based social engagement and mobile technology to improve health outcomes and well-being among older people.

Our AgeWell Companions conduct home visits to older people to provide social engagement, and if required, act as a link to the healthcare system and local community services to promote health and build stronger connections between older adults and the services available to them in their community.

AgeWell is dedicated to supporting people as they age, improving well-being and health and creating nurturing communities for older adults.

Alice's AgeWell Joy

Alice's story serves as an inspiration, showcasing the power of a positive mindset and the support systems like AgeWell that enable older individuals to live fulfilling lives. Through the dedication of companions like Eileen, AgeWell continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of older people, fostering connections and ensuring their well-being


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Third Age Local & Summerhill

There's something for everyone and new members are always welcome. – from dancing to computer classes in the near future. 

To find out more or enquire about joining when the centre can reopen, call us between 9am - 5pm on (046) 95 57766  to get more information on how you can get involved.